
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Whinge time

Hi, Neil, the Exchange Centre Manager here for the second of my occasional blog entries.

I've been the centre manager here for just over two years now, and I think it's fair to say that when I arrived, the centre looked a little careworn and unloved. In the period since then I've worked very hard to improve the appearance of The Exchange, and to enhance its architectural beauty by revamping the lighting, the planting, the decoration and the signage. All of this has been done at a time when the pressure has been on - like never before - to keep spending down and minimise additional costs to the Service Charge (the source of the money for most of things I have to do, mostly derived from the tenants).

Most recently, I have been working on a new design for our Christmas decorations. The tree, placed on the "Compass" - under the dome - is a hugely popular attraction each season, and has become something of a traditional sight in the city. Many people look upon it as Nottingham's Christmas tree, and therefore I feel the weight of the public's expectations on my shoulders when I think about changing anything! 

I think you'll be thrilled when you see the tree when it goes up this winter, and by the other decorations too.

The thing is - and this is the whinge - far too many people in the city are firmly of the belief that the Exchange (it hasn't been called the Exchange Arcade for more than six years!) is owned and operated by Nottingham City Council. I could even name a city Councillor who still seems to think so!

Please be clear: the Exchange has been in private ownership since 1985. Yes 1985. That's 1985. Twenty seven years ago. Nottingham City Council has nothing at all to do with the retail operations on the ground floor of the Council House, or with the mall area around the shops. And hasn't since - yes - 1985. So when you see the great new Christmas tree and lights scheme from the end of November next, don't thank the Council - they will have had nothing to do with it!

Next time I'm on, I'll tell you all about the new face in my office. He's (might be a she actually, I'm not sure)called Kevin, and I'm expecting him or her to make his or her first appearance in the next few weeks.